Lately I've been having a few dreams that have given me a bit of insight on my life and how I can incorporate what I dream into my waking life. My subconscious is sending me direct messages in subliminal ways to get my attention. Reoccurring dreams have resurfaced and I keep dreaming about certain people and similar events happening over and over. I often ask my myself what do these dreams really mean, an If I am actually getting the real message behind the dream.
After years of jumping out of my sleep out of fear of what I've been dreaming, I can honestly say that my dreams are not always what one would consider "good". Some messages I have to decode takes days or even weeks to fully comprehend or even understand. Until something happens and then I'm like "now I know what my dream was telling me!". I realized later on that my dreams actually forewarns me of coming events in my life and If I pay close attention, I can avoid or even completely eliminate most of the nonsense that actually occurs just from my dreams alone!
What does me telling you about my dreams have to do with altering your dreams? Well it has everything to do with altering your dreams because had I not discovered this after trial and error for years of having weird dreams, I would never be able to tell you how you can alter yours to have a desired outcome in your waking life. The most important thing to remember is "it's just a dream". Not literally, but actually figuratively.
Everyone knows that my stance on dreams is that they are a portal to alternate universes that we are experiencing simultaneously as we are experiencing this realty that we currently live in. So for me to say to remember "it's just a dream" is simply saying 'this is just one of the many lives we are experiencing at once' and that you can change it simply by believing you can.
Which brings me to Step Two. Do not be afraid of what you dream. Just because you dream that someone close to you has died, or that you fell down a flight of stairs or into a dark hole doesn't mean that in your waking life you will actually die. It's a symbol for something bigger. It's like a metaphor for something else that you need to give your attention to. It's not something to take literally. I've had reoccurring dreams of me being shot several times. Did I die? Obviously not, because If I did, I wouldn't be here writing to you right now.
Being shot doesn't necessarily mean you will die; it simply means apart of your self is changing, or apart of your self is dying, or a new part of you is emerging. A great book to read about dream symbols isDreamMoods.com: What's In Your Dream? - An A to Z Dream Dictionary. I usually go to the DreamMoods website often to decode some of my own dreams when there are symbols I just quite don't know the meaning of.

There are various ways to detach from having an emotional reaction to your dream. First, you need to observe how you feel when you first wake up from the dream. Remember, "it's just a dream" not literally, but figuratively. Now imagine how you would feel if the dream had a different ending or outcome. How would you feel then? How would you have reacted differently? Just by making this change you will be looking at the bigger picture instead of focusing on the emotional attachment.
Always remember to write down your dreams upon waking if you can remember. Don't beat yourself up if you cannot remember your dream. Sometimes just asking yourself what was the dream about will help bring them out from your subconscious mind. I've programmed myself to remember my dreams simply by either writing them down, or asking my subconscious mind to tell me what my dream was about. I've also got into the habit that as soon as I wake up, I recite exactly what I dreamed about. That way, I'll keep it fresh in my mind and make it easier to remember.
I hope this article was helpful. I will continue to share the steps to altering your dreams. You can also learn how to control your dreams by lucid dreaming. New to lucid dreaming? Learn all you need to know with Lucid Dreaming Made Easy.
Thanks for reading!
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