FREE Numerology Reading

I was referred to a site awhile back from one of my facebook friends. It was to receive a FREE Numerology Reading. I thought it was one of those things that you had to sign up to pay for something. (You know those sites who say they are going to offer you something free but then end up wanting to charge for the "free" thing they were offering). Well I am always skeptical about these types of things so I had to do some research for myself.

Well I figured I'd at least check it out because I was into numerology & at the time I did want a numerology reading. The main things that are needed for a FREE Numerology Reading is of course your full birth name & date of birth.So I just clicked on the link & signed up to receive my reading.  Of course they send you a courtesy email asking you to confirm that you signed up.

So I received my sample reading. I found that I my life path number is 6, expression is 1, & my soul urge is 1.   There is a link in the email that they send you that takes you to your mini FREE Numerology Reading. Although it's short, I found it to be very accurate. It helped me figure out more or less what I wanted to do & what my purpose on this earth is.

All in all, I was pleased with the service. The company offered other services as well such as other readings, free reports, etc. I would recommend anyone try it out, even if they don't plan on investing anything else with the company, at least take them up on their free offer. Also, they send you lots of valuable information about numerology to your email address once you opt in to receiving the free report.

So if you are interested in numerology & you want to know what's in your name & birth date, then take a chance & click HERE!