Ok, so here is the 3rd installation to the "Altering Your Dreams" Series. In this brief article, I will be explaining to you how you can alter your dreams by dream recall & writing your dreams down.
I remember the time where I would dream every night; back to back. Tossing & turning all through the night with these vivid, almost real dreams holding me captive. I mean these dreams would feel so real it was almost like I left my "reality" & entered into an alternate reality. All the messages, symbols, & mysteries of my dreams would not only keep me in suspense, but also in a heightened state of terror.
Not saying that my dreams were terrorizing, because I can actually count on my hands how many dreams actually "spooked" me, but I can say that the realness of the dreams, the eerie, creepy feeling of the dream as if I was physically there, would make even the most sane person question what reality REALLY is. I often found my self upon waking up with a pressure on the top of my head as if someone hit me with a two ton anvil.
Having these weird dreams that just happened spontaneously without warning or promptings led me to wanting to keep track of them to see if there were any patterns or things that I wasn't currently aware of. It made me want to learn how my life & dreams clash. It made me discover something very interesting. I discovered that not only do my dreams have patterns, they have themes as well.
From themes, to symbols, I was even able to predict future events based upon what I dreamed! It was fascinating to me to dive deep into my subconscious mind all the things that the universe or God or what ever spiritual being wants me to see & know.
Another thing that really gave me a thrill was the fact that I didn't feel any pain in my dreams. If I had a dream where I am getting shot, I don't feel the pain. The only thing I "feel" is when I see the blood gushing, (sorry for the graphics. Definitely not for the faint at heart). I also discovered that I can fly in my dreams. It's a very exhilarating experience might I add. But this post is far about flying, it's more about recognizing the dreams when you fly & the dreams where you don't.
Once I started seeing the patterns & the themes & the symbols, I realized that writing my dreams down would give me an even bigger insight. I also discovered that some things that were happening in my "waking life" were simultaneously being shown to me BEFORE it happened in my dreams. My dreams were warning me of impeding doom, or giving me a heads up of what's to come. I was only able to make that connection AFTER I started keeping a journal of my dreams.
So step 3 to Altering Your Dreams by creating a journal doesn't only help you recall your dreams; it can help you stop a problem in it's beginning stages if you are paying enough attention to the dreams you have, & it can give you a much bigger insight to what steps to take next or even predict what's to come.
Right before going to bed, I recommend you get a note book or note pad, & a pen & have it by your nightstand or by your bed where you will be able to access quickly upon waking so you can write down your dream. If you don't remember your dream, it's okay. Just write down the parts that you do remember. Sometimes other pieces of dreams we thought we didn't know or remember come back to us while we have our attention on something else.
After a few weeks, around 4-6 weeks after you start, go back to the very first dream that you wrote down. Re-read all of the other dreams that you wrote. See the similarities. See the differences. Take note of anything new symbols or themes. Keep track of changes. This will come in handy when it comes time to Alter Your Dream to what you want it to be.
I hope this article helps. Stay tuned to the next installation of the "Altering Your Dream" Series!
I remember the time where I would dream every night; back to back. Tossing & turning all through the night with these vivid, almost real dreams holding me captive. I mean these dreams would feel so real it was almost like I left my "reality" & entered into an alternate reality. All the messages, symbols, & mysteries of my dreams would not only keep me in suspense, but also in a heightened state of terror.
Not saying that my dreams were terrorizing, because I can actually count on my hands how many dreams actually "spooked" me, but I can say that the realness of the dreams, the eerie, creepy feeling of the dream as if I was physically there, would make even the most sane person question what reality REALLY is. I often found my self upon waking up with a pressure on the top of my head as if someone hit me with a two ton anvil.
Having these weird dreams that just happened spontaneously without warning or promptings led me to wanting to keep track of them to see if there were any patterns or things that I wasn't currently aware of. It made me want to learn how my life & dreams clash. It made me discover something very interesting. I discovered that not only do my dreams have patterns, they have themes as well.
From themes, to symbols, I was even able to predict future events based upon what I dreamed! It was fascinating to me to dive deep into my subconscious mind all the things that the universe or God or what ever spiritual being wants me to see & know.
Another thing that really gave me a thrill was the fact that I didn't feel any pain in my dreams. If I had a dream where I am getting shot, I don't feel the pain. The only thing I "feel" is when I see the blood gushing, (sorry for the graphics. Definitely not for the faint at heart). I also discovered that I can fly in my dreams. It's a very exhilarating experience might I add. But this post is far about flying, it's more about recognizing the dreams when you fly & the dreams where you don't.
Once I started seeing the patterns & the themes & the symbols, I realized that writing my dreams down would give me an even bigger insight. I also discovered that some things that were happening in my "waking life" were simultaneously being shown to me BEFORE it happened in my dreams. My dreams were warning me of impeding doom, or giving me a heads up of what's to come. I was only able to make that connection AFTER I started keeping a journal of my dreams.

Right before going to bed, I recommend you get a note book or note pad, & a pen & have it by your nightstand or by your bed where you will be able to access quickly upon waking so you can write down your dream. If you don't remember your dream, it's okay. Just write down the parts that you do remember. Sometimes other pieces of dreams we thought we didn't know or remember come back to us while we have our attention on something else.
After a few weeks, around 4-6 weeks after you start, go back to the very first dream that you wrote down. Re-read all of the other dreams that you wrote. See the similarities. See the differences. Take note of anything new symbols or themes. Keep track of changes. This will come in handy when it comes time to Alter Your Dream to what you want it to be.
I hope this article helps. Stay tuned to the next installation of the "Altering Your Dream" Series!
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