Saturday, December 17, 2011

My Dream From Last Night....

Ok so here is another dream from last night. These dreams have been keeping me up all hours of the night. After I have a dream it's hard for me to go back to sleep. I'm only going to write about the parts I actually remember.

Unidentified Airplane

So I'm at Aunt L's house, (who is also my mom because she raised me) & all of a sudden, I'm looking in the sky & see some sort of ship/airplane. This thing was huge! It had to be about as long as one of those trucks that transport cars to the dealership. It was humongous! So I'm looking out the window looking at this thing & it's rocking back & forth. I wasn't scared or anything; I just wanted to know what it was. So me & Aunt L is arguing & she's telling my brother R, (who actually is her son but I call him my brother) She was telling him that she couldn't deal with me & that I was out of control.

We are looking out the window at this huge airplane pass. On the news, it said that NASA was doing an experiment on something & that this airplane was harmless & that it wasn't going to cause any harm. I thought it was because the closer it got, it seemed as if it was going to hit the house! But thank God it didn't & it passed by without causing damage.

Games & Things

So now I'm at the table with some people I don't remember who, & we are playing some type of game. For the life of me, I cannot remember what the game was. I just know I was playing the game.

A Movie???

I don't know if I was watching the coming attractions of a movie or what, but I was seeing what appears to be Chris Brown & some other people jumping off of something.

A lot of the details are scarce because lately I've been falling in & out of consciousness while I'm dreaming so I can be dreaming & waking up at the same time so things seem a little blurry. This is why I program myself to actually try to remember as much as I can about my dream so that I can write it down. So now I know for sure that I will be keeping a permanent dream journal on this blog so that I can make some connections. I don't know why I'm dreaming what I'm dreaming now, but later on I will interpret them to discover the message.

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