Something fascinating has happened to me a few days ago & I couldn't wait to share it with you all. I've always had weird dreams ever since I was a little girl. I used to have these weird, vivid, dreams that would keep me up all hours of the night. I was one of those kids who used to sneak into their parents room to sleep because I was too afraid to sleep alone. I was afraid that the things I saw in my dreams would come into my reality & get me so bedtime for me was sleeping snugly under my mom.
As I got older I started to notice patterns. I started to see that I can dream about things before they happened. Sometimes I'd have conversations with my friends at school & I'd get a "deja-vu" feeling as though I already had the dream before. Sometimes I even go places & feel as though I've been there, even though I never set foot there in my life. I have dreams that have very specific symbols. For example, I used to dream about getting shot. I also used to dream about guns a lot. I found out that dreaming about getting shot or dreaming about guns does NOT mean I'm going to die; but it means that there is a change or transformation taking place.
I used to write down my dreams upon waking up. I had a habit that I developed that I would recall the dream I had as soon as I woke up so I wouldn't forget any detail. I'd write the dream down in my dream journal & I'd keep track of most of my dreams. I didn't always write my dreams down because they were so vivid & so rare that they were very hard to forget. I started to see patterns, symbols, & I also started noticing more & more that I can predict the future.
All of this brings me to present day. I have a dream every night. If there is a night that goes by without a dream, I start to think something is wrong. I've been helping other's interpret their dreams for awhile since Yahoo Answers! first came on the scene. People enjoyed & liked my interpretations. I was getting high points on the leader board as well. I suddenly stopped interpreting people's dreams because the account that I had with Yahoo Answers! mysteriously disappeared. I never knew what happened to that account. It just was gone. I couldn't sign in. I thought maybe someone hacked into my account & changed the password. I tried to contact Yahoo to try to get my account back but to no avail.
So back to having dreams every night. I have dreams every night & it's not unusual for me to wake up in cold sweats or in a paranoid state of mind. My dreams are so real to the point where it's getting to the place where I'm starting to think that dreams aren't just "dreams". I'm starting to believe that dreams are a portal or gateway to another dimension. I'm starting to believe that dreams are like an alternate universe. We are conditioned to believe that this is the only life, but I beg to differ. I believe we have numerous lives in different universes. I believe that we can enter those dimensions through our dreams.
The only problem with that is we are conditioned to think that these things are "impossible" or "taboo". Some may even say that the mere thought of being able to enter into another dimension is crazy talk! I say no, it's not. It's REAL. Only if we believe it to be. This brings me to altering a dream. The other night I changed the outcome of my dream. How did I do that? Well for one, I know I was dreaming. When you dream, you can doing ANYTHING.
Once you know that you can do ANYTHING in your dreams, it's easier to manipulate them to bring about your desired outcome. So It was literally like a pause, rewind thing going on in my dream. I didn't like the ending of a dream I had so I paused it, rewound it, & inserted a different ending. It was so surreal. I couldn't even believe that it actually worked. But from years & years of controlling, manipulating, & adjusting my dreams, it almost felt like second nature.
I remember waking up in the middle of the night so extremely paranoid that I couldn't even go back to sleep because the dream felt THAT REAL. At that point it was hard for me to believe that dreams are "fake". Dreams are NOT FAKE! I've predicted major catastrophic events just from a DREAM! So they are real! I predicted several times things happening to people I know & they were true! They happened! All because of a dream I had!
Now how to alter your dream exactly...well, that's what I will share with you in my next video on "Alter Your Dreams" on my Youtube channel! So make sure you are subscribed & tell a friend!
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